Shared values
  • Confidentiality and respect
    Information shared in circles and chats remains confidential and safe with us.
  • Embracing difference
    We exercise showing our full selves in ways that are relevant to the group context and speaking our truth. Showing up in our uniqueness inspires everyone else to show up in theirs. In our space, we are safe to be wobbly, safe to glow, and safe to have a differing opinion.
  • Genuine connection
    We practice conscious de-conditioning from shallow interactions, parasocial relationships, and social media culture. We try to care for each other and show up to our live gatherings.
  • Trauma-informed
    Our collective is inclusive and trauma-informed, and fosters a safe space for space holders who identify as neurodivergent, trauma survivors, or highly sensitive people.
  • Responsible co-creation
    We encourage everyone to co-create our shared experience, and to contribute financially on a donation basis that makes sense to them. We exercise care for our emotional needs and flow between receiving and giving to the community, holding and being held, based on our capacity and what our ecosystem needs. We break the conditioning of sitting back to consume community - each of us stirs the pot of connection.
  • Balance
    We promote grounding in a balance between spirituality and business, service and making money, showing up and receiving care, visibility and integrity, growth and acceptance of limitations.
  • Professional growth
    This is also a place to exchange best practices, seek advice and new information, spread the learnings of more experienced space holders, to intentionally network, and to enjoy good times with like-minded people on their conscious journey.
Core practices
We center our embodied emergence as leaders around practicing together inside our inner circle.
  • Practice #1
    Practices include de-conditioning our belonging, play and experimental offering in the inner circle, and holding space for other leaders' brilliance as permission for becoming.
  • Practice #2
    Practices include owning our neurodivergence or trauma, living and breathing our teachings, and piecing together our fragmented identities.
  • Practice #3
    Practices include shifting between holding local community and being held in the inner circle, protecting our focus and acting economically, and replenishing devotion through effective rest.
Evolve your leadership in cosy community

Evolve your leadership in cosy community